Lux Holiday Gift Boxes(Includes Two Large Candles of Choice)


Gifting made easy with our Lux holiday boxes with colorful and customized ribbons and inserts. The perfect gift for someone in your life or yourself. Be happy! Everyday is a gift.

Included- Magnetic Gift box - Two Large Candles(8.5 oz.) - Gift Wrapped in ribbon-Christmas message

Christmas message: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity

this holiday season and in the coming New Year

SIZE: 17. oz. | BURN TIME: 60+ Hours | WAX: Soy blend | WICK: Cotton

Hand Poured and Crafted in Maryland

Ribbon Color:
Candle Fragrance 1:
Candle Fragrance 2:
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Gifting made easy with our Lux holiday boxes with colorful and customized ribbons and inserts. The perfect gift for someone in your life or yourself. Be happy! Everyday is a gift.

Included- Magnetic Gift box - Two Large Candles(8.5 oz.) - Gift Wrapped in ribbon-Christmas message

Christmas message: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity

this holiday season and in the coming New Year

SIZE: 17. oz. | BURN TIME: 60+ Hours | WAX: Soy blend | WICK: Cotton

Hand Poured and Crafted in Maryland

Gifting made easy with our Lux holiday boxes with colorful and customized ribbons and inserts. The perfect gift for someone in your life or yourself. Be happy! Everyday is a gift.

Included- Magnetic Gift box - Two Large Candles(8.5 oz.) - Gift Wrapped in ribbon-Christmas message

Christmas message: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity

this holiday season and in the coming New Year

SIZE: 17. oz. | BURN TIME: 60+ Hours | WAX: Soy blend | WICK: Cotton

Hand Poured and Crafted in Maryland